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My perspective is, I'm tired of being asked. I'm tired of people pretending these two things are in any way comparable. Abortion is a decision about whether or not to be pregnant. Adoption is a decision about whether or not to parent. Yes, a pregnant person might consider both options, but as an adoptee I don't think my viewpoint is relevant. If I'd been aborted I wouldn't be here to have an opinion, but I wasn't, so I am.

When I was a lot younger and ignorant of the nuances of this topic, I felt obligated to be pro-life because I was adopted. Then I learned more and decided that that was bullshit. Now that I’m out of the fog I think anyone should be able to have an abortion for any reason. I’m more pro-abortion than anything, being an adoptee fucking sucks and I don’t think people should be having babies just to give them away. Obviously it’s still gonna happen, but if abortion is freely available hopefully it will happen less.

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Anonymous #9

I feel no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy if they chose not do so for ANY reason. No exceptions for rape, incest, life or health

Anonymous #8

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