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Anonymous #5

i don't see real directions on how to answer but this is what i think:

I"m a pre Roe adoptee from a closed adoption. Reunited w bmom when I was 18, bdad a year later .

I grew up vehemently anti abortion. I was also very involved in church and was also a Reagan Republican.

i assumed that if I'd've been conceived post Roe, my bmom would've aborted.

Well, later on I discovered that the state next to mine had legalized abortion when I was conceived, so she could've driven the 2 hrs and gotten an abortion. I asked her if she would've done this, she said no. So one reason I was anti abortion was gone.

Eventually, I became a single parent, blah, blah, but became pretty socially liberal. I was also active duty military, but still anti abortion. I switched parties in the mid 90s (but was still anti abortion), got out of the military, went to college. At some point, I became very anti death penalty, still anti abortion. The whole time I was very, very pro birth control.

In the late 90s, I took a class about American legal foundations - Roe was discussed, but it's precursor, Griswold v CT was also discussed. Griswold gave married women the right to birth control with a foundation of right to privacy (the rule was eventually extended to single women). Roe relies on Griswold. At this point I realized that if they rolled back Roe, the next thing to roll back is Griswold.

And here we are in 2024. They rolled back Roe, and are coming for Griswold. I'm past child bearing yrs now, but FERVENTLY believe that if you want to reduce abortions, then reduce PREGNANCIES via widely accessible birth control.

So I've covered most of the questions, but specifically for Q3 - aren't I glad I wasn't aborted..sure, but how would I Have known?

I've never felt pressured to have an opinion on abortion, i"ve always had an opinion.

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