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Anonymous #8

  1. I feel like everyone should have the option to abort. I also feel like it has been weaponized so many times against our community. Everyone wants us on their side for this fight and uses us but doesn’t actually care about adoptees.

  2. I think it’s made me more empathetic towards people in general. When you’ve been bought and sold and managed like property instead of raised like a family member, you have a lot of respect for bodily autonomy.

  3. I think it’s wild to assume someone else’s experience ever. Society assumes that adoptees are grateful because we got the bare minimum of not being thrown in a dumpster (their words over and over). But in reality I wouldn’t have known if I had been aborted. That sounds lovely and peaceful. Instead I was sold to a couple who felt like they couldn’t live without a parenting experience. I was abused, humiliated, and more daily. I was not what they wanted, they wanted their own kids and I can never be that. Society doesn’t have a place for us either. I am a walking abortion.

  4. Absolutely. People assume things all the time and have used my adoption to further their goals and interests. It used to make me furious! Now I realize that adoptees are seen as objects and we are just in society for people to consume it makes me less furious. I’ve taken myself out of these peoples lives and I only associate with people who see me as real and not a consumable. The kept will always hate me and make assumptions and want to consume me. But my adoptee friends are safe.

  5. I grew up in the Mormon church and it was unheard of to be pro abortion. My AP’s were very much pro forced birth and my Adad would regularly say he was glad I didn’t end up in a bucket. There wasn’t much room to have my own beliefs around abortion or adoption until I moved out and then finally cut them out of my life.

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The experience of being an adoptee has always been misrepresented and will continue to be misrepresented until adoptees are seen as the

Anonymous #9

I feel no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy if they chose not do so for ANY reason. No exceptions for rape, incest, life or health

Anonymous #7

I was raised Christian, now atheist, have always been proc choice, others bodies and lives are theirs. I chose not to have an abortion for m


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