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Cami B

Many adoptees have been asked "Aren't you glad you weren't aborted?", what is your response to that?

I'm grateful for the opportunity to live and experience life, but I wouldn't have cared if I had been aborted. While the thought of not getting to live life fills me with a pensive sadness currently, I wouldn't feel like that if I had been aborted - You can't miss a life you never had. And, the truth is, not everyone is lucky enough to make it out of the other side of the adoption process as unscathed as I was.

The adoption process is long and difficult. The countless foster families and traumatic experiences adoptees go through are something nobody should have to experience. There are countless people that get pregnant, and while the miracle of life is lovely, there's a sad reality hidden behind its façade - Not everyone is fit to be a parent. That's the truth. 

Forcing someone to give birth when they are not in the right mental space to be a parent will most likely lead to negative outcomes.

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Anonymous #9

I feel no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy if they chose not do so for ANY reason. No exceptions for rape, incest, life or health

Anonymous #8

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