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Katie Kaessinger

I think people automatically assume I am pro-life when I state that I was adopted — after all, adoption is often seen as a prime alternative to abortion. However, I do not agree with this logic at all. First of all, it is unfair to require a woman to give up her bodily autonomy in order to carry and deliver a baby that she does not want. Secondly, with our foster care system as broken as it is, I actually think the whole notion of “a child being adopted into a very good family” is oftentimes a myth. When people say things like “What if you were aborted?,” I often respond by saying that I would rather have been aborted than raised by people who clearly did not want me or could not adequately take care of me. I am ultimately so grateful that I ended up where I am and with a family who loves me and provides for me, but this is not always this case. I urge women to choose life when they can — when they are comfortable carrying the baby to term and have a family member or friend or suitable prospective parents who wants to adopt it — but ultimately, it is up to the woman. She knows her situation best. 

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The experience of being an adoptee has always been misrepresented and will continue to be misrepresented until adoptees are seen as the

Anonymous #9

I feel no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy if they chose not do so for ANY reason. No exceptions for rape, incest, life or health

Anonymous #8

My AP’s were very much pro forced birth and my Adad would regularly say he was glad I didn’t end up in a bucket. There wasn’t much room to h


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