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Lia Huxtable

How do you feel being adopted has affected your opinion on abortion?

I would say I feel that being adopted has not changed or affected my stance on abortion at all, but thinking now, being adopted does partially affect my views on not wanting a child, which could then lead to the question of whether I'd have an abortion if I ever became pregnant, but this is a hypothetical so I've never exactly dwelled on that. Otherwise, I would say that adoption does not affect my stance on abortion.

Have you ever felt like your experience of being an adoptee has been misrepresented or used to advance a certain rhetoric? How does this make you feel?

I've definitely seen adoption be used as a rhetoric to push pro-life arguments (e.g: give birth then put the child up for adoption instead of abort) which I'm very unhappy to see, seeing as I'm pro-choice, but I've never personally seen my adoption be used to bolster an argument.

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The experience of being an adoptee has always been misrepresented and will continue to be misrepresented until adoptees are seen as the

Anonymous #9

I feel no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy if they chose not do so for ANY reason. No exceptions for rape, incest, life or health

Anonymous #8

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