As an older adoptee, I am definitely pro-choice. I was born in 1958. My bio mom was whisked away to Florida where she apparently had to go through the pregnancy with an “aunt” and be put under anesthesia to give birth to me where I was taken away immediately before she woke up. She was uninformed of even my sex.
Some of this info I gleaned as I did discover my bio dad through DNA. He claims he didn’t know about me. They were in high school. Through info from him, I discovered bio mom still lives in Florida and had no additional children. I choose not to contact her as she lives in The Villages and is in her 80’s.
My adoptive family could not have been better. Never once was I referred to as the “adopted” daughter. I love my adoptive family. They supported me through all my endeavors and paid for college. I have been married for 40 years and have 2 children.
I still do not think a woman should be forced to give birth. Plus, I wonder, why did bio mom have no more children? Why was she put to sleep? Was she medically damaged or mentally destroyed?
Definitely Pro-Choice!!!