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Sadie Flanagan

"Aren't you glad you weren't aborted?"

No, I am not. 

My adopters were extremely abusive, not having dealt with their infertility traumas or dealing with their mental health issues as well as their own childhood/generational traumas. They had their biological son just 9 months after I was adopted at 3 days old.

The adoption industry has never had the best interest of the adoptees in mind. We are legally purchased and handed over to strangers in most cases, who have a lot of money. The fees are not used for therapists and counseling. There are no support groups for adoptees as they grow up. Adopters are allowed to choose if they want to tell us that we were adopted or not. Adoption agencies don't check in to see how the adoptees are doing in the care of their adopters once the children have been adopted.  

My biological families are also toxic and abusive in their own ways. I was destined to abuse it seems. A part of me will always wish that I had been aborted. 

Adoptees are given fake birth certificates and denied their originals. Most times we aren't told about the truth of where we came from. A genuine connection cannot happen between adoptees and adopters when our existence is built on other peoples' secrets and lies.

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The experience of being an adoptee has always been misrepresented and will continue to be misrepresented until adoptees are seen as the

Anonymous #9

I feel no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy if they chose not do so for ANY reason. No exceptions for rape, incest, life or health

Anonymous #8

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